A Roblox Tip.
By Devil yxle
Today I ruthlessly hunted someone down, and killed someone! But of course, this is Roblox so it doesn’t mean any harm. The trick was using Ghost Perk (A perk obtained by getting coins throw gameplay, and buying it) because of this, they never knew where I was coming from, muhaha haha! Wanna know my other tip? KILLING OTHER PLAYERS TO GET FAST POTIONS (Potions make you jump higher and move faster so you can totally own other players) MUHAHAHAHAHAH (Yes I’m evil, and I know it.) Also, make sure to practice a lot, and practice often to Avoid people, or attack them. It’s not every day you can be a professional manhunter like me, so getting good at it is important. My advice is don’t rush it and take your time, and most importantly, HAVE FUN! I hope you enjoyed reading my quick tip on how I did a manhunt today! Have an awesome day! Keep your head low, and your gun aimed high. Until next time. Goodbye, and good luck!